Dila Event

About Us

Special for You

Unique Experiences

We set out with the passion to create unforgettable memories for you. Dila Event is the address that opens the door to unique and creative events in the world of organization. We are here to enchant our guests and turn their dreams into reality.

Get to Know Us

We Provide Services on the Subjects We Specialize in

Determining the purpose and objectives of the project. Defining the project scope and drawing boundaries. Forming a team for the project and determining roles. Analysis of requirements and allocation of resources. Establishing timelines, budgets and goals. Identification of risks and potential problems and creation of a risk management plan.

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Initiating and monitoring project work. Fulfillment of duties of team members. Monitoring and controlling processes. Managing changes and updating the project plan. Regular reporting of progress. Communication with the customer and receiving feedback.

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Monitoring and evaluating the progress of the project. Analysis of how close the goals are. Use of performance measures and metrics. Identification of areas where changes and corrections need to be made. Evaluation of customer satisfaction. Evaluation of project results.


Completion of the project and delivery of results. Closing of all business and accounts. Organizing and archiving project documentation. Presenting results to the customer and receiving feedback. Evaluating the project team and identifying lessons learned. Sharing project results and communicating with stakeholders.


We manage our time well, image and implement all the details of the projectsimage-1 we are responsible for with our expert staff.

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